Helping Grieving Families With Funeral Matters

A Service-Driven Nonprofit Organization

A cup that is sitting on top of cardboard.

Helping Grieving Families With Funeral Matters

A Service-Driven Nonprofit Organization

Mission Statement

Gone2Soon is a nonprofit limit liability corporation, founded in 2023 by Elizabeth Winston and Shawn Stokes. We have lost family and close friends. Way before there time. As a result of not having a supportive network. Like so many other families. Gone2soon was birth to give grieving families a supportive network. That everyone deserves. They have decided to create an organization of people for those going through the same situation by comforting and calming one another. Comedy is offered for donation through the hard times for support.

A man and woman posing for the camera.
A man and woman standing next to each other.

Alleviating Stresses and Expenses From Planning Funerals

Gone2soon is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping grieving families get closure from the passing of their loved ones.

We pool funds through our store and the generous contributions of those in our community, working to lessen the burden of planning a funeral.

What We Do

Our organization is committed to helping families from all walks of life. That is why we operate our store with honesty and transparency, making sure all proceeds go directly toward funding our mission.

A woman sitting at her computer desk typing.

Quality and Variety

We run a shop that is fully stocked with a wide selection of products. Explore our website today to learn more about what we offer.

A man and woman posing for the camera in a kitchen.

Show Your Support

Our organization welcomes monetary donations of all amounts! Rest assured your entire contribution will go toward maintaining our store, following through on our mission, and helping every grieving family across New York State.



How Can We Help?

Let us know by reaching out to our friendly team.


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